Harvest 2023

Another harvest is just about wrapped up, with our last skin contact wine going into the press last week. We couldn’t say anything earlier due to the fear of jinxing a great thing, but this year was DELIGHTFUL! No fires, no early frosts, and no heat spikes meant for the first time in a long time we could march steadily through harvest season with a sense of calm we haven’t felt in years. We decided to play it pretty safe in 2023 and resist the urge to add any new wines to the Little Trouble lineup, with a focus on honing the varieties already in our program.

Because of the long, wet winter followed by an even wetter spring, in 2023 we finally saw an end to a 5-10 year drought (depending on who you ask). While more water can mean more mildew pressure, our moderate and breezy summer kept all the grapes nice and happy. We usually use Jen’s birthday at the end of August to determine how early the season seems, and this year we weren’t even thinking about picking on 8/30. For 2023 you can expect to see a good bit of volume, great quality, and slightly lower alcohol/lighter bodied wines. In the meantime, enjoy a little glimpse into the helter skelter of harvest 2022.

Sara and Jen